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Frasers Livestock Receives Safety Award

Posted by Robert O'Neill

safety awardA national workplace safety honour has been awarded to Frasers Livestock Transport because of its innovative module, which was custom-built and designed in their own Warwick workshop.

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Topics: Blog, Training and Competence

Safety in Action Event to Benefit Employers and Workers

Posted by Robert O'Neill

thumb_events resizedNext month, the safety spotlight is scheduled to be focused on Western Australia as the Safety in Action is set to arrive on June 11-12, 2014 in Perth.

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Topics: Blog, Training and Competence


Posted by Robert O'Neill

worksafe logoThe Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) course provides the knowledge and practical skills HSRs need to effectively exercise their powers.

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Topics: Blog, Training and Competence

WorkSafe Victoria Course for Managers & Supervisors 2014

Posted by Robert O'Neill

worksafe logo (1)6 Day OHS Training Course for Managers and Supervisors - June 12 & 13, 19 & 20, 25 & 27

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Topics: Blog, Training and Competence

Miners Advocate for Education in Preventing Mining Accidents

Posted by Robert O'Neill

mining accidentFourteen years ago, a mining accident forced Dave Stewart into becoming a promoter for safety and health when it comes to the mining sector. This encouraged him to present an emotion-filled talk during a public consultation conducted by the Ministry of Labour for the review of the safety and health of miners.

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Topics: Blog, Training and Competence