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Safety Consultants To Help With How Safe Is Your Workplace Campaign

Work Safety Hub is encouraging employers and workers to take part in a new WorkSafe campaign that assesses how safe Victorian workplaces are.

The campaign:

  • encourages employers and workers to prevent workplace injuries by creating supportive work environments where safety is openly discussed and there is a genuine commitment to improving health and safety.
  • directs employers to an online self-assessment tool that gives them an indication of what they are doing well, where there is room for improvement, and provides practical advice about how to improve safety in their workplace.
  • is based on research conducted with 1,000 Victorian workers earlier this year who were asked about their perceptions of health and safety at their workplace.

The research also found businesses typically received better safety ratings if:

  • Workers were given opportunities to have their say on OHS issues at their workplace.
  • Managers and workers provided positive recognition or appreciation for acting safely at work.
  • There was a nominated health and safety representative in the workplace.
  • Other WorkSafe funded research highlights that organisations that failed to proactively address health and safety issues typically had higher rates of worker anxiety and stress, as well as physical injuries.

The ‘How safe is your workplace?’ campaign will feature across TV, radio, online and print in coming weeks. The survey will be an ongoing resource for workers and employers across Victoria.

To find out how safe your workplace is, complete the online survey at www.howsafeisyourworkplace.com.au.

To see the campaign, watch the video:

See more at WorkSafe News.

If you’re not sure how safe your workplace is – talk to one of our safety consultants about our Safety Consulting today.

Learn more about the government funded OHS Essentials Program here.

Enquire about our  WorkSafe Essentials Program



Topics: Safety Consultants