WorkSafe Approved HSR Refresher OHS Training Course - Work-related Stress

Under the Victorian OHS Act (section 67) all elected HSRs and deputy HSRs after completing an initial course of training, have an entitlement (for each year they hold office) to attend Refresher training and choose the course in consultation with their employer.

Looking for the:

Plant HSR Refresher Course? Click here

Work related Violence HSR Refresher Course? Click here




Who should attend? 

This course is right for you if: You are an HSR or Deputy HSR and you want to learn more about the risks of work-related stress. Although HSRs are the primary audience, this course may also be suitable for managers, supervisors, health and safety committee members and others looking to broaden their knowledge of the risks of work-related stress.

What will be covered?

This WorkSafe approved HSR Refresher course is an opportunity to revisit aspects of the HSR Initial OHS Training Course. This interactive training course includes relevant case studies and activities and aims to provide participants with the confidence, skills and knowledge to represent their designated work group when raising health and safety concerns in relation to work-related stress.

Topics covered include:

  • The value of HSR’s to workplace safety 
  • HSRs and work-related stress issues 
  • Work-related stress and reasonably practicable 
  • Work-related stress case studies
  • The importance of consultation
  • Hazards and risk management – how to determine levels of risk and controls
  • Issue resolution processes
  • A reminder of the legal framework and the OHS Act 2004
  • Clarifying what is reasonably practicable
  • The role of  Inspectors

Comprehensive participant notes and up to date supplementary information will be provided. 

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