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Early Childhood Services Policies And Procedures Now Available

Early Childhood Services Policies And Procedures Now AvailableEarly Childhood Services Policies and Procedures now available from Work Safety Hub.

30 Early Childhood Policies, procedures and forms have been added to the site today. The documents have been developed in full compliance with the Education and Care National Regulations 2011.

For Kindergartens, Early Learning Centres, Preschools and Early Childhood Services. The suite of documents have been developed by our own Kerrie O'Neill, who has over 25 years experience in early childhood. Learn more about Kerrie here.

The policies and procedures are ready to download now and will save services hours of research, referencing and development. Fully customisable to your service the documents are available in Microsoft Word format

The full suite of documents are available to Bronze Members. Membership benefits start at $365 per annum and allow you to access our certified OHS specialists through our helpline.

Review the Early Childhood policies and procedures here, or check out our memberships options now!

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