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Deirdre McConn

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Unlock the Benefits of Safety Differently: A Manager's Guide

Posted by Deirdre McConn

workasdonevworkasimaginedSafety is an essential part of any workplace, and a Safety Differently approach can make all the difference in protecting employees and preventing accidents. But what exactly does this concept mean? Safety-I and Safety-II are two distinct approaches to managing risk, and both have their benefits when it comes to safeguarding the wellbeing of your staff. In this article, we'll explore how these concepts differ, discuss strategies for implementing a Safety Differently approach in the workplace, examine its potential advantages and disadvantages, and provide insights on overcoming common challenges associated with such initiatives. Join us as we take a closer look at "safety differently"!

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Topics: Safety Differently

Building Safety into the Core of the Organisation: A Holistic Approach

Posted by Deirdre McConn

fragmentedSafety management is an integral part of any organisation's operations. It is responsible for identifying and mitigating risks to ensure the safety of employees, customers, and the general public. However, traditional safety management methods can often be fragmented and disconnected from the core functions of an organisation, leading to goal conflict and a lack of prioritisation for safety within the organisation.

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Maximising Efficiency in Safety Reporting: Identifying and Responding to Critical Risks

Posted by Deirdre McConn

Manager presenting data analysis to professional teamSafety reporting is vital for organisations to identify and respond to critical risks. However, responding and reporting to minor and frequent incidents can be a misallocation of time and resources. In this article, we will explore ways to maximise efficiency in safety reporting by identifying and responding to the most significant safety risks.

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Topics: Safety Differently

Comprehensive Guide to Workplace Safety Consultants in Australia

Posted by Deirdre McConn

team1Workplace safety is crucial for employees' well-being and any organisation's success. In Australia, it's essential for businesses to comply with various regulations and standards to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Hiring a professional safety consultant is an effective way to achieve this goal. This comprehensive guide will discuss the importance of workplace safety consultation in Australia and provide essential tips for selecting the right consultant for your business.

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Topics: Safety Consultants

Organisational learning for safety: How to adapt and improve

Posted by Deirdre McConn

construction employees consulting manager at siteSafety is a top priority for any organisation. One way to ensure a safe work environment is to provide employees with authority to stop work when confronted with an unsafe situation. However, relying on this authority alone can lead to conflicts and not take into account broader organisational considerations.

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